My Orcs are Different

My orcs are different

It is said there are many ways for man to escape mortality, but there is only one way to return to it. Time can be a scary thing. There are those who fear the past, and the future, and mourn the eventual death of the universe already, or mourn that it will exist again and again and that you and I will be here again, suffering the same fate, infinitely. There are those who blessed to never die blame Immortality for the transience of their loved ones.Most are probably just fearful of paying for their sins. The one escape for eternity is the path of Gorch-Yuchurne who turns the wheel of time. All things are broken on that wheel.

The process of becoming an orc is a guided reincarnation, the last reincarnation for a soul. When an orc is born, the reincarnated soul is permanently made into an organ with a built in expiration date held within the brain. Orc brains are strange and can exhibit strange properties when a warband is whipped into a fit of zealotry. By choice, orcs are outlaws with no protection from gods or any divinity. Immortality is one such protection, and one must give up all protections or none. Most orcs were once elves, many were once men.

Half orcs are orcs that turned their back on orchood, or were raised in a non-orky way. Naturally, orcs reproduce, and the result is always more orcs. There is a backlog of souls that took the deal of orchood.

In exchange for this eventual peace, the Orcs serve one last lifespan as Transient Champions of Gorch-Yuchurne. They prevent the worst futures and evidence of the past, revise history, ensure that nothing lasts too long or comes too soon. Orcs furiously work to slaughter elves and other eternals, to prove that the fist of time can reach even them. Orcs sack plenty of cities that had it coming, but they also sack perfectly good ones too. It’s not unheard of for orcs to clearcut forests or even build dams. Often, serving as the time-god’s demo crew means being the underdogs. But he is still greatful for the effort, he literally has nothing but time.

Orcs still organize in warbands with fun names like The Gory Mauls, The Toothy Grinz, and Norf FC. Their elaborate rank system is based on a sophisticated dueling culture, and non-orcs can indeed win glory from duels if the customs are met. Orcs can be friendly and persuasive to like-minded or impressionable people, despite being cruel and destructive as a general rule.

Rituals to the Orc god and the Time god.

Gorch Yuchurne the time god has not much of a cult (outside the orcs), but you can make prayers and sacrifices to him if you want something to last longer or shorter. Or if you want orcs to leave you alone. A minor favor is something like making rations last as long as iron rations. A major favor may include diverting an orcish war party for d8 days, or unspoiling a rare but expired poison. Preferred sacrifices are nonperishable goods, antiques, and elves. Making the sacrifice requires an entire day in rituals and a bottle of wine, which is spent in the process. All percentages are cumulative. If asking for more than one thing, roll for them all, and one failure means all fail, one backfire means all backfire. The GM may apply penalties for impudent demands or mistakes in the ritual somewhat arbitrarily, to model the fickle nature of gods.

SacrificeFor Minor FavorFor Major FavorBackfire Chance
Nonperishables1% per gp0%
Antiques2% per gp1% per gp1% per 100gp
Other.5% per gp0%
When dealing with gods like Gorch-Yuchurne, remember they hold grudges, and will almost always get the better end of the deal. A backfire can be a malicious interpretation of the thing asked, or simply a dick move on the part of the god.

The ritual to become an orc in your next and final life is also one day, and it always succeeds, and the price is your soul. It’s a stupid option but its there. You can’t give your soul to more than one god, though careless devils might be scammed in this way.

Half Orc B/X Class

Requirements: STR 11

Hit Dice: D8.

Max Level: 9.

Armor: No plate.

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Orc, Common.

Saves as Elf.

-2 to attacks and -1 to AC in direct sunlight.




Half-Orcs get few spells and they are not as strong as other types of magic. At the start of each adventure, roll a d6 to see which spells the half-orc has “prepared.” When casting an orc spell, or when an orc spell is interrupted, roll 2d6. Snake eyes (a roll of 2, The Eyes of Set) indicates a random spell from the list goes off on a random target instead.

Spell List

1 Boizoyyk’s Unstoppable Rage

Inflict someone with berserker energy: Subject gains +2 to hit, +2 to saves, keep fighting one round after hitting 0hp (does not prevent death), and must make a melee attack if he possibly can even if that means hitting allies.

2 Dominorzog’s Irresistible Motivator

Make a melee attack against an ally, and reroll a failed loyalty/morale check.

3 Fist of the Time God

A portal opens and the massive, 10’ wide fist of an old man punches a line of foes, dealing d6 damage for every level of the caster and pushing foes 10 x d3 feet.

4 Foot of the Time God

A portal opens and the massive, 10’ x 20’ foot of an old man bashes a the battlefield. 1D8 damage for every level of the caster.

5 Unstable Polymorph

Transform one target by table. Lasts one turn, unwilling victims get a save. Also, the transformed subject must roll hit dice for the monster twice, subtracting the smaller total from the larger. (A 8hd monster would get 8hd-8hd HP). Then add the caster’s level in HP to get the real total.

2d6Target becomes
6-8Lion, wolf, or similar creature.
9-11Random encounter for underworld/nearest dungeon
12Random encounter for overworld hex
Hell yeah its unbalanced and convoluted.

6 Fearful Battle Cry

Make a move to the enemy and melee attack as part of the spell, then force an immediate morale throw.

Monster: Orc Weirder

The orc Weirder is an orc with d4 + 2 HD and casts as a half-orc PC using the spells above. Other orcs keep their distance. For every 100 orcs there is a 5% chance of an Orc Weirder acting as a type of shaman for the warband.

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